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Buses in Urban Developments

Buses in Urban Developments is one of the Streets and Transport in the Urban Environment (STUE) series of guidance documents from CIHT.

The focus is on how urban developments can be configured to bring about an increase in the level of bus use, bringing benefits to the economy, the environment, and the community.
The aim is to:

  1. Present aspirational, but achievable, standards of bus service provision and bus-oriented development;
  2. Indicate what is necessary to promote high levels of bus use in new developments; and thus
  3. Help practitioners implement a firmly established sustainable development policy.

High-quality bus services are an essential part of an integrated approach to sustainable urban transport and spatial planning and contribute to maximising the
potential of new urban developments.

Book TitleBuses in Urban Developments
Book AuthorTim Pharoah
PublisherCIHT London January 2018


Buses, urban development, bus planning, accessibility,