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Results (144)

"Missing links" - town centre access

Research into the arrival experience in town centres.

"Quiet lanes" study

Study of "quiet lanes" concept for the Countryside Commission

A framework for Southall, LB Ealing

A framework for the regeneration of Southall

A walking strategy for London

Production of London's first walking strategy (LPAC) 1996-1997

A36 Trunk Road traffic calming

A study of road safety and traffic calming on the A36 Trunk Road in the New Forest, Hampshire, 1994

Accessibility Standards

Research into the scope and efficacy of minimum standards of accessibility.

Advice on Local Transport Plan evaluation - Surrey CC

Advice on Local Transport Plan evaluation, for Surrey County Council, with Llewelyn-Davies, 2000

Advice on Parking Policy for L&G 1998

Evolving Planning Policies Towards the Issue of Parking Standards in New Development - May 1998

Assessment of proposed Manchester Airport Enterprise Zone

Manchester Airport Enterprise Zone: an assessment of the transport, social and economic case for the Enterprise Zone proposal

Attitudes to transport in London

A survey of attitudes to transport in London

Attitudes Towards Car Ownership

A survey of a sample of adults in London to explore attitudes to car ownership.

Banbury Integrated Transport and Land Use Study (BITLUS)

An integrated transport and land use study of the Oxfordshire town of Banbury

Belfast car club

Establishment of Northern Ireland's first car club

Bus provision for Woodbrook (Brokerstown) urban extension, Lisburn, Northern Ireland

An assessment of the potential demand, routing and service levels appropriate to the new community, as well as to benefit existing housing areas.

Cambridge Eastern Extension

A study of ways in which Cambridge could grow towards the east, commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council.

Campaign Against Urban Sprawl in Essex (CAUSE)

A proposal for "metro" Colchester prepared for CAUSE, 2018

Central Borders: a plan for expansion

Sub-regional study of the Scottish Central Borders, commissioned by the Scottish Office

Craigavon Integrated Development Framework - CIDF

The study was to "guide how the three town centres of Central Craigavon, Lurgan and Portadown will develop and thrive over the next 20 years."

Design coding, lessons from Germany

Advice on design coding (with Llewelyn Davies Yeang) for CABE, 2006

Design of new streets in Kings Hill development, Kent

Advice to Rouse-Kent, developers of Kings Hill (Kent), on the layout and traffic calming of new streets

Doncaster St Sepulchre Gate regeneration

Doncaster St Sepulchre Gate regeneration, including options for development, reducing domination by traffic, improving connectivity and public realm.

Dumbarton housing and parking advice

Dumbarton housing and parking advice for Carvill Group, 2006

East Croydon traffic calming and public transport priority

Reorganising and calming traffic in the East Croydon and Addiscombe area in conjunction with new tram system

East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan

Preparation of the East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan: advice and assistance to the Town Council

East London Assessment Study (ELAS)

Potential of Traffic Calming in East London, as part of the East London Assessment Study

Economic Benefits of Good Walking Environments

Quality Streets: Why good walking conditions matter for London's economy

Essex Growth Scenarios

Analysis of ways in which growth can and should occur in the County of Essex

Essex review of regional spatial strategy

A review of the East of England Regional Spatial Strategy, sub areas

European study tour of traffic calming

European study tour of traffic calming best practice for staff of Dublin Corporation

Evaluation of "Pedestrian Quality Needs", EU project COST 358

An independent evaluation of the EU "Pedestrian Quality Needs" project (COST programme)

Forest Hill district centre and interchange urban design study

Forest Hill district centre and interchange urban design study, with Llewelyn-Davies, for London Borough of Lewisham, 2002.

Glengormly town centre development framework

Town centre development framework for Glengormly, Northern Ireland; transport and accessibility

Grantham canal basin masterplan

Generating a masterplan for the disused canal basin in Grantham

Great Western Road, Glasgow: main street or motorway?

Assessing the impact of a proposal to turn Great Western Road, Glasgow, into an "expressway".

Green Areas study

Ways of improving transport and environmental consitions in inner West London

Hampstead Way traffic calming

Investigation into traffic calming possibilities on a residential street also used as a through route.

Harold Hill regeneration strategy

Harold Hill regeneration strategy: improving transport and accessibility in an outer London suburb

Hillingdon transport interchanges advice

A study of strategic design principles to guide the development of transport interchanges in Hillingdon.

Howden - urban extension

New housing and open space (25.5 ha total) integrated with the existing built up area, with improved walking and cycling links, and better access to the town centre.

IHT/DfT award for Woodbrook Village

The "Manual for Streets" award is jointly offered by the Institution of Highways & Transportation and the UK Department for Transport. In 2009 it was awarded for the Woodbrook urban extension at Lisburn, Northern Ireland. The award recognises "o

Improving walkability

Good practice guidance on improving walking conditions through the planning process

Institution of Highways & Transportation Award for Road Safety: Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Calming Guidelines, published by Devon County Council in 1991, won the IHT award for road safety.

Integrated transport seminar

Invited advice on the achievement of an integrated approach to transport

Jubilee Line Extension Development Impact Study

Jubilee Line Extension, Development Impact Study, for Transport for London, 2001-2,

Kent Downs AONB: Rural Streets and Lanes: a Design Handbook

A design handbook for rural roads in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

King's Lynn Local Transport Plan

King's Lynn Local Transport Plan prepared for Norfolk County Council 2005

King's Lynn Marina Master Plan

Building a marina at King's Lynn was identified as a key project in the Kings Lynn Urban Development Strategy. This project identified access and transport for the site in relatino to the marina design and connections to the rest of the town.

King's Lynn Urban Development Strategy

An urban development strategy for Kings Lynn, undertaken in 2012

Land Use and Transport: settlement patterns and the demand for travel

Advice on a project for the Commission for Integrated Transport relating to travel demand

Lecture tour of Australia

Funded by Australian Vice Chancellors Committee, and initiated by Peter Newman of Murdoch University, Western Australia. The tour was for 8 weeks October-December 1996.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Tim Pharoah was proud to receive the "Lifetime Achievement" award from the Urban Design Group in 2017

Light Rail in England and France: planning and funding

Comparative study of light rail planning and funding in England and France.

Local Transport Plan decision making, for DTLR

Research into the effectiveness of local transport decision making

London Thames Gateway Integrated Land Use Transport Study (GILTS)

A study of how the London Thames gateway sub-region could be developed, using an integrated approach to transport and land use.

Louth Urban Design Study

A study of urban design and public realm improvement in Louth, Lincolnshire

Maesteg (South Wales) urban expansion, accessibility

Options for the expansion of Maesteg, South Wales, and the transport and accessibility implications

Manual for Streets

National guidance for the design of residential and lightly trafficked streets.

Milton Keynes long-term public transport strategy

Milton Keynes long-term public transport strategy, 2003

Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area public transport framework

Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area public transport and urban structure framework

Mixed-Use Development: Practice and Potential

The potential and actual contribution of mixed-use development schemes to town centre regeneration

Moving Towards Smarter Travel? LTP3 and Smarter Travel Choice Assessment Study

A review of the third round of Local Transport Plans to assess spending on "Smarter Travel Choices". Commissioned by Sustrans and Friends of the Earth.

New village centre at Woodbrook (shared space)

Plans for a new square at the heart of Woodbrook urban extension, west of Lisburn, Northern Ireland

Newtownards town centre development framework

Town centre development framework for Newtownards, Northern Ireland; transport and accessibility

North Harlow / Gilston urban growth

Public transport input to masterplanning process

Nottingham sustainable urban extensions study

Research into appropriate growth locations for Nottingham

Objectives-led Transport Appraisal

Devising a method of transport project appraisal based on identified objectives (Government project)

Ormiston town centre development, nr Auckland, NZ

Ormiston town centre development, Flatbush, nr Auckland, New Zealand. Advice on transport and accessibility

Park Royal Southern Gateway development framework

Transport and access to support regeneration of the north Acton area as part of the Park Royal Southern Gateway development framework

Parking advice to Berlin for Potsdamer Platz

Advice to Berlin Senate for Building and Housing, parking policy for new developments (including Potsdamer Platz), 1992

Parking Provision in New Developments

Research commissioned by the Government Department of Environment, Transport & the Regions (DETR) into ways of determining parking provision in new developments. It deals mainly with retail, office, leisure and other non-residential developments.

Parking Standards in South East England

Regional policy study to determine maximum parking standards in the South East region of England. Commissioned by the Government Office for the South East (GOSE)

Pedestrian and Cycle Monitoring Project

Study for Transport for London completed July 2001

Planning Growth to Promote Sustainable Access

Research into forms of growth and development that enable sustainable transport choices. "Corridors" study

Planning in Northern Ireland

Invited views on the future of devolved powers on planning and transport in Northern Ireland

Planning with Public Transport (London Transport) 1998

Production of guidelines for planning land use development in relation to public transport

Poole Pottery site, exploration of development options

Exploration of development options at the former Poole Pottery site, and the transport, parking and street design implications

Potential for shared cars (car clubs)

The potential for shared cars, or car clubs in London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames, and Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

PPG13 - A Guide to Better Practice. Reducing the need to travel through planning

Reducing the need to travel through planning: production of Guide to Better Practice. A companion guide to PPG13.

Reading city centre framework

A vision and framework for the future development of Reading city centre (Berkshire, UK)

Redhill bus station design

Options for increasing the capacity of Redhill bus station

Redhill town centre Area Action Plan

Redhill town centre Area Action Plan, including transport and accessibility

Regeneration of Redruth, Camborne and Pool (Cornwall)

Redruth, Camborne and Pool regeneration and masterplan; transport and accessibility options and implications

Response to Regional Transport Strategy (Northern Ireland)

Consultation response to Regional Transport Strategy (Northern Ireland) on behalf of Carvill Group

Ross on Wye "rTown" project

Project to revive the town centre of Ross on Wye, funded by Innovate UK

RTPI Planning Award for "Manual for Streets" 2008

The award was for the design guidance document "Manual for Streets" produced for the Department of Transport and Department for Communities and Local Government by a multi-disciplinary team in 2007.

RTPI/RSPB Northern Ireland Sustainable Planning Award, 2009

Woodbrook Village (urban extension. Lisburn, Northern Ireland) awarded the "urban areas and development prize", 2009

Sedgefield town centres regeneration strategy

Sedgefield town centres regeneration strategy for 4 towns: Spennymoor, Shildon , Ferryhill, Chilton

Shared car ownership (car club) feasibility

Shared car ownership and "neighbourhood car fleets" (car clubs)

Sirocco Quays city centre development, Belfast

Transport, accessibility and parking advice as part of multi-disciplinary team for Sirocco Quays development, Belfast

South Birmingham Environmental Traffic Management Study (SOBETMA)

Traffic management and street design proposals from 1992 to encourage environmental and economic regeneration, following public rejection of road building proposals. Deals with mixed use main streets.

South Downs National Park Authority Transport Study

Compilation of an inventory of data relevant to transport policy-making.

South Holland Markets and Car Parks Strategic Review

An investigation of transport, parking and access to the markets in South Holland District (Spalding, Crowland, Holbeach, Long Sutton)

South Yorkshire Street Design Guide 2001

South Yorkshire, development of street design guide

Stevenage local centres regeneration strategy

A regeneration strategy covering each of the 20 plus local neighbourhood centres in Stevenage.

Stevenage: linking new development to the town centre

Stevenage - advice on development at Bessemer Drive, and the potential for improving pedestrian and cycle links to the town centre

Strabane town centre regeneration masterplan

Town centre regeneration masterplan for Strabane, Northern Ireland, transport and accessibility

Street design and parking provision for Woodbrook new urban village, Lisburn

Street design and parking provision for the new urban village of Woodbrook, near Lisburn, Northern Ireland

Sustainable Development Plan for Astana

Preparation of an outline Sustainable Development Plan for the Kazakhstan capital, Astana

Swindon north western extensions: development and transport framework

Swindon north and western extensions, a development and transport framework. Creating sustainable solutions in a car-based town.

Techniques for urban traffic reduction

study of techniques for urban traffic reduction, 1992

The "Floor of the City"

A successful campaign against the removal of historic granite setts in Edinburgh's Royal Mile (1967)

The Canterbury Triangle: vision for the future

A broad brush review of issues and potential in East Kent

Tilbury civic square

Advice on the revitalisation of the Civic Square in Tilbury

Traffic and environmental improvements in north Cork

Study of traffic and environmental conditions in Blackpool Valley, north Cork

Traffic calming for Washwood Heath, Birmingham

A project to explore opportunities for traffic calming in the Washwood Heath neighbourhood of Birmingham. 1992

Traffic calming, urban development and transport policy

France, Germany and Netherlands, studies of traffic calming, urban development and transport policy and procedures, 1987 ? 1996, funded by South Bank University

Traffic reduction policy

Urban development and environment policy concepts for traffic reduction 1996-97

Transport and Development in the Thames Gateway

A strategic study examining the land use, regeneration and transport opportunities and constraints in the Thames Gateway.

Transport and street design for a new settlement in Essex

Advice to private developer on a proposed new settlement in north west Essex, for Galliards, known at the time as as "Boxted Wood"

Transport Assessments: development of guidelines

Transport Assessments: development of guidelines for DETR, with Steer Davies Gleave and Llewelyn-Davies,

Transport for New Homes

Research for Transport for New Homes

Transport in the London Sub Regions

Collation and realignment of transport data to new London sub-regional boundaries

Urban concepts and technology: shared cars and car-free housing

Research into shared car systems and car-free housing projects in Germany and the Netherlands.

Value of s106 agreements for walking projects

Research into the value of s106 agreements for walking projects

Vision-led planning in China

Lectures and seminars at Universities in Shanghai and Zhengzhou

Wales air study

A study of potential development of air services and airports in Wales for DETR, 2000 (project manager)

Walking audit for Sydney

Advise on and test walking audit tools appropriate for the City of Sydney

Walking in Towns and Cities

Select Committee enquiry into the future of walking (advisor to the Committee)

Wellingborough East - Enquiry by Design 2002

Planning technical event facilitated by Prince's Trust

West London Tram, Ealing business case

Preparation of the business case for the proposed West London Tram, from the perspective of L B Ealing

West London Tram, Economic and Development Potential

Exploration of the economic and development potential of the proposed West London Tram.

West London Transport Framework

West London Transport Framework was part of the economic development strategy prepared for the West London Business partnership

West London Transport Study - Stage 2 December 1989

A report on transport planning in west London for West London Roadwatch, 1989

Winchester: - Providing retail floorspace and better accessibility

Assessment of retail requirements in Winchester and the potential for redeveloping the bus station for retail expansion

Winner - Academic Enterprise Competition, South Bank Technopark Ltd. 1983

Award for the use of car metering technology to allocate costs between users of shared cars

Witney Integrated Transport and Land Use Study (WITLUS)

An assessment of transport and land use potential in Witney.