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Demand Management and the South East Regional Transport strategy

The former South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) was required to produce a Regional Transport Strategy as part of Regional Planning Guidance for the South East. A key aspect was to be a framework for managing travel demand, as a means of meeting sustainable development objectives.

A demand management framework was in turn a requirement under planning policy guidance at the time (PPG11). The Government transport department (DTLR) had identified that the first round of regional guidance was insufficiently robust in this respect.

SEERA appointed Llewelyn Davies with the Metropolitan Transport Research Unity (MTRU) to provide advice on a suitable demand management framework, that would feed into the revised Regional Transport Strategy for the South East.

The report pdf is available to the right.

Key points from the study included:

  1. There is a clear case for demand management compared to the alternatives of attempting to build our way out of congestion (neither feasible nor affordable), or of letting demand be constrained by congestion (inefficient and damaging).
  2. There is a need to promote the wide economic, community and environmental benefits of demand management, since it is generally opposed by those whose travel habits would have to change.
  3. A first principle is that demand management and other measures in the Strategy should complement each other.
  4. A second principle is that the strategy should focus on those aspects where local authorities are unable to act alone (the subsidiary principle).
  5. A third principle is that the Strategy should not expect to achieve results at the first attempt. Many of the measures are untested or untried, and need to evolve as time proceeds.
  6. A fourth principle is that a range of measures will be required, for example charging mechanisms as well as parking controls and standards.
  7. A fifth principle is that demand management measures should reflect regional distinctiveness and consistency with neighbouring regions.
Client(s)South East England Regional Assembly
Team(s)Tim Pharoah with Llewelyn Davies, and Keith Buchan of MTRU


Demand mangement, traffic reduction, integrated transport, mode shift, South East England

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