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King's Lynn Marina Master Plan

King's Lynn Marina Master Plan

Building a marina at King's Lynn was identified as a key project in the Kings Lynn Urban Development Strategy. This project identified access and transport for the site in relation to the marina design, new developments, and connections to the rest of the town.

A sustainable transport route

A fast, reliable, attractive bus service from the Nar Ouse regeneration area (to the south of King's Lynn),
including a possible Park & Ride, to the town centre
is important in reducing congestion and promoting
sustainable forms of travel. London Road, the existing
route into town from the south, is not suitable. The Marina area development offered the opportunity for a congestion-free bus route to be created.

From the south, the bus route uses the route of
a former railway, with a signalised junction with
Wisbech Road to give buses priority, and continues
to cross the river Nar on a new bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and buses only. Bus gates would exclude private traffic. The route then then joins the existing highway
network via a new street behind Bridge Street. Buses would be able to enter and exit Boal Street without the need for any specific signalling or other infrastructure.

The new route is based on the principle of "preferential routing", and the related concept of "filtered permeability". Buses, pedestrians and cyclists will have a direct and largely traffic-free route into the town centre, whereas car users will have to take their chances on the more circuitous and relatively congested London Road route. Bus gates will ensure greater network permeability for the sustainable modes, but limit the permeability of the road network for car traffic.

Revised masterplan 2009

In 2009 the masterplan was drastically revised following further technical studies. The key change was the diversion of the river Nar away from the marina (see image in right sidebar). Further details can be found on the Kings Lynn & West Norfolk website.

It is to be hoped that the revisions will retain the concept of the new high quality bus route. (Tim Pharoah was not involved in the revised masterplan process.)

LocationKing's Lynn England
Client(s)Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk and EEDA
Team(s)Tim Pharoah with Llewelyn Davies Yeang, ECOTEC, Royal Haskoning, Sense, The Tourism Company, Harvey & Co.


King's Lynn, regeneration, transport, access, bus planning, marina, preferential routeing, filtered permeability