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North Harlow / Gilston urban growth

In the mid 2000's there was a planning effort made by landowners in North Harlow to prepare a masterplan for major urban growth. This included an Enquiry By Design workshop in 2004 led by the Prince's Foundation. Subsequently in 2008 a "visioning workshop" was held to explore key development ideas. Tim Pharoah took part in both exercises to explore public transport options for the development area. A key idea was for public transport (bus) services to run across the entire built up area of Harlow to provide integration of the existing with the new communities. Also, these cross-town routes should be "gathered" together in central Harlow, including at Harlow railway station. This illustrated in the 2006 pdf (see sidebar).

The public transport suggestions that were formulated were based on some fairly optimistic assumptions about the quantity and density of new development, and hence the likely demand for public transport services. An important issue for the development is that the site lies across the River Stort from Harlow, requiring major investment in a bridge or bridges in advance of any significant growth.

Some documents arising during this project are available to download to the right.

Subsequently the planning of the area has changed its focus towards the creation of so-called "Harlow and Gilston Garden Town" consisting of a number of new "villages". (Tim Pharoah was not involved in the Garden Town proposals.) The 2018 Vision document for this can be downloaded to the right. Although a target mode share for the sustainable modes was set at 60% for the new settlement, there has been no mention of sustainable transport infrastructure being an opportunity to achieve mode shift amongst Harlow's existing population. This means that the new developments are expected to generate more traffic, which is to be catered for with additional road capacity.

Client(s)Beyond Green on behalf of Ropemaker Properties
Team(s)Tim Pharoah with various consultants including Beyond Green and Tribal Urban Studio


Garden Town, urban growth, sustainable transport, public transport, Harlow, Harlow North, North Harlow, Gilston Garden Town, Gilston Villages