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The Objectives and benefits of Traffic Calming - 1990

The paper sets traffic calming within the wider urban transport policy context, for example identifying the need to address both the volume as well as the speed of traffic. It compares traffic management with speed management.

The three Rs of traffic calming are introduced: Reduced speed; Reallocation of space; and Redesign and improvement.

It argues for improvements to reach beyond small local streets, which may be candidates for a shared space approach, and argues for comprehensive calming, including area-wide 20 mph speed limits, village through-roads, and urban main roads.

Paper TitleThe Objectives and benefits of traffic Calming
Paper AuthorTim Pharoah
Conference Details Design and implementation of Traffic Calming Schemes Imperial College, London 4th-5th December 1990


traffic calming, street design, speed management, road safety, environmental management, placemaking

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