Projects > Streets > Traffic Calming
A36 Trunk Road traffic calming
A study of road safety and traffic calming on the A36 Trunk Road, Hampshire, 1994.
The report to MVA is shown on the right (pdf).
This exploratory study, undertaken with the MVA consultancy, addressed concerns about the safety and intrusiveness of heavy traffic on the A36 on the edge of the New Forest National Park. It arose from the abandonment of by-pass proposals in the Wiltshire part of the A36, and hence the need to resolve safety issues within the confines of the existing road.
How much has changed? The A36 continues to be the focus of road safety attention. Some measures have been taken, and a further study was undertaken by agents for the Highways Agency in 2003 (Atkins). There have been intense discussions about removing the A36 from the Trunk Road network.
Various recommendations were made for judicious road widening, speed
management, provision for pedestrians and cyclists, and safer turning
Probably the most positive step recommended in the MVA report has been the introduction of a lower speed limit. This is now 40 mph along the more sensitive sections, and this should have reduced the traffic impact to some
extent. Turning movements at one or two of the busier junctions have
also been facilitated with "turning pockets" protected by central
However, provision for pedestrians and cyclists remains poor. The footway on the northern side of the road now legally accommodates cyclists as well, but its width has not been increased to make that comfortable, and the path is not continuous across side roads. Cyclists choosing to ride on the path have to give way at every side turn, or if they choose to stay on the carriageway they face greater wrath from drivers . At some junctions, cyclists cannot cross the side road without dismounting because kerbs have not been lowered (see images). This low-cost approach to road safety does little or nothing for the promotion of the sustainable modes.
Some extra footway has been provided where before there was none, and at least two Pelican crossings.
Date(s) | 1994 |
Client(s) | Department for Transport |
Team(s) | Tim Pharoah and Ken Huddart (MVA) |