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Traffic Calming: What is Happening in Continental Europe - 1993

The main paper describes lessons from traffic calming practice on the near continent. It argues that although Britain lags behind in terms of achieving widespread traffic calming, and in the quality of design, there are nevertheless good examples to be found. It further argues that the biggest benefits are to be had from main road traffic calming, or what would come to be known as improving the "place" function of main roads.

The supplementary paper considers the prospects for universal 20 mph speed limits and environmental traffic calming measures. Vehicle speed limiters are put forward as an alternative to widespread physical street changes such as speed control humps.

Both papers are available to the right.

Paper TitleTraffic Calming: What is happening in continental Europe?
Paper AuthorTim Pharoah
Conference Details PTRC - The Design and Implementation of Traffic Calming Schemes Imperial College, London 25th May 1993


traffic calming, European traffic calming, continental traffic calming, traffic calming practice