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Milton Keynes long-term public transport strategy

Milton Keynes long-term public transport strategy

The project identified a strategy of developing a pattern of 8 "diameter" high quality bus routes, each crossing from one side of the city to the other, and meeting at two major groups of stops in the city centre to facilitate easy interchange. The two central "meeting points" would be at the railway station, and at the main retail area of the city centre, with the buses running between these points along the key boulevard (Midsummer Boulevard). 

The project found that the traditional road structure of Milton Keynes (a grid of high speed roads spaced one kilometre apart) presented difficulties for the provision of public transport. These included a high proportion of people living more than 300 metres from a high quality bus service, and the difficulties of competing with the car with relatively fast and uncongested roads, and high levels of parking provision. Another structural feature of Milton Keynes that works against public transport mode share is the peripheral location of much of the employment, which is thus difficult to serve by bus.

A long term public transport strategy was recommended that included two initial high quality public transport routes, East-West and North-South, subsequently dubbed the "floppy cross" (see Fig 4.4), a network of 8 routes crossing the city - all meeting at Midsummer Boulevard to allow easy interchange - and a bus priority system for the station square and the wider city centre.

All these concepts are described and illustrated in the pdfs included on this page.

LocationMilton Keynes England
Client(s)Milton Keynes Council and English Partnerships


Public transport planning. transit planning, integrated transport, Milton Keynes, interchange, high frequency